Studio Cascadia
Elements of Art: Texture
Texture is how something feels. Think about how it feels to pet a dog verses touching hard wood floors or touching metal. These materials each have a different texture, and this is something artists use. In sculpture, the materials naturally have different textures, like wood sculptures versus ceramic bottles and vases. In two-dimensional art, texture also refers to how it looks like it feels.

Texture in Art at Cascadia
Virginia Weisel (1923-2017)
Left to right
Bottle, circa 1958, Incised fish design, Collection of Thula Weisel
Bottle, circa 1960, Private collection
Vase with dogwood motif, circa 1955, Collection of Thula Weisel
Bottle, circa 1960, Private collection
Bottle, circa 1964, Private collection
These pieces by Virginia Weisel appear to have different textures. The Bottle with the incised fish design would have one texture from the material and the incised fish design with the lines and circle shapes while the neighboring bottle appears to have a smoother texture.
Art Project: Exploring Texture with a Cactus!
This cactus landscape lets us explore the use of texture in creating rolling hills and the use of line drawn cactus making an interesting contrast. Texture can be created by the use of varied pencil lines, thick paint, or in this case crayon rubbings. Our houses and neighborhoods are filled with textures just waiting to be explored.